Hello, I'm Maple! (Can refer to me as the word 'maple' in your language).

A teenager living in New England.

Agender or some type of third gender, X-gender, or Tumtum; use any pronouns.

Passionate for maths, cs, history, philosophy, economics, sociology, languages/linguistics, visual arts, music, chemistry, physics, writing, journalism and martial arts.

My favorite animals are: crows, foxes, cats, and bats. Also big fan on bugs and insects. Love lobsters and sharks. Love all these animals as friends not food.

My dreams are being a historian or mathematician, people around want me to be a professor, and if not those than a journalist or a musician.

Fandoms I am in: Touhou Project, PvZ, FNaF, Vocaloid, and UTAU.

I do have a love for mythology, mainly on Tengu, Kitsune spirits, Shaitan, Jiangshi, Chinese and Norse stiff.

English is my first language, good at Czech and Japanese, and basic to okay knowledge on Judeo-Espanyol, Hebrew, and Arabic.

My favorite programming languages that I use include: C, Lisp (CL, Scheme, Racket), Erlang, Shells (Rc, Ksh, Ash), AWK, Go, APL, Asm, Forth, Postscript, Limbo, Lua, Tcl/tk, Brainf*ck, Idris, and Zig. Any other language not listed most likely I considered bad.

I'm a Jewish-Buddhist, I use both philosophies at time, come from conservative Judaism, now Chinese Buddhism and Kabbalah.

Warning, I'm a leftist, and I don't accept extreme rightists/reactionaries here at all, other people, libs/centerist, will at most be tolorated. Generally if you are not taking people's basic rights away because of their identity, then you are alright.

Currently in high school.