In the modern hypersexual world mixed with sexual repression, porn is too everywhere but so repressed. Go to your local library, you will find porn in there at some point. The hypersexual of the world will lie claiming porn is what you will see on PornHub or Twitter. Not all porn is sexual or inherently bad with moderation. Porn is made to gratify the consumers of it. Any scam artist will repress porn, claiming it to be terrible, while feeding you their hypersexualized porn of bettering yourself. In the modern age comsumation of sympathy and bettering porn has become wide spread in media. From the White people reading anti-racist guides, the gentile that hears the stories of Jews in camps, the middle class reading a book on the poor, their lazyiness and how market conditions put them there, while reading rich man's guide to the poor on how to better yourself.
Sympathy Porn in Media
My first exposure to porn was of the Holocaust. I was in 4th grade when I had an assignment to read a novel about Danish Jew escaping Denmark. As a young Jew, I had became pretty familiar with the Holocaust. Seeing my surrondings of my classroom, it heavily felt no one understood the actions happening besides it being bad, even I, the Jew, reading it felt the same. Main problem with sympathy porn is it makes the trauma of the event blind the reader, and that mainly happens in pretty bad books, like the one we read in class.
I call books that focus on the Holocaust porn because it only made for people to gratify themselves. For anyone anti-semetic, they already heard all this stuff, hearing about the Holocaust will not change what they think and they will just ignore it. People who gratify themselves with Jews, they will take the white knight stand to gratify themselves more. This is common with islamphobes and anti-arab people, they will use the Jew to sexual motivate their beliefs towards people they hate more, hide their racist beliefs under the dress of protecting the Jew.
The Zionist Jew will too gratify themself with truama porn. The Zionist movement is the result of hypersexualism that affected the Jews. Any action that by the Zionist is for sexual pleasure of truama that creates war and unfair treatment of others.
Sympathy porn to be porn does take the person who consumes it to have sympathy. That is why anti-semites will always ignore the stories and keep denying or just saying they deserve it under some type of humor. This is also true with poverty porn. Poverty porn is marketed to middle class people to come watch some poor person pull themselves by their bootstrap. Poverty porn also comes with the fun bonus of gratifying the Liberal and Conserative. To the liberal it is seeing how we can help the poor and understand them, oh how terrable it is for that poor schmuck. To the Conserative it is someone pulling them selves up, making all the smart choices, and looking at how the other poors need to just stop being lazy and go work.