
Simple prerequisites you must acknowledge is: gender ≠ sex and there's clearly more than a binary system. For if there is a lord then they are for sure beyond gender, and if there is multiple gods, then some may have gender outside the binary. And human culture as shown people throughout history identifying beyond the binary, if it is the tumtum, mukhannathun, ubhatobyañjanaka, or two spirit.

Men and women are inherently equal and should be treated as such, of course gender roles of a society may be place onto them, but remember to love one another and make sure women have the same opportunities as men and no patriarchal system put in place. For people of third gender, be it intersex, non-binaries, or any other genders, they are two equal to men and women and treated fairly, respecting them and given the same rights.

Feminism is a great path for women, if we were to live in a society that has men and women, feminism will have its place in keeping the power structure equal. But I do propose of a new idea, for guaranteeing equality, it is time to remove such genders, for spliting humans this way has proven to cause such problems.

Am I saying to remove being feminine or masculine? Or erase women? To clearify no, this is not making everyone ambiguous, but to remove societal distinction between genders. This is a form of gender liberation you can think of it, and the idea is to promote people changing genders to a third one, as I say it may be a path to enlightenment, where you seek not comforming to society's sufferings and pressure onto you. I do no promote forcing gender onto people, but the promotion of this ideal I say will liberate people, and at least the goal is to remove pressures from people.

There's 6 genders in Judaism: Zachar, Nekeivah, Androgynos, Tumtum, Ay’lonit, and Saris. These are the universal genders out there, they may just appear in different language of course. Anyone claiming these to be false and there being only a binary system are wrong in spiritual and scientifc ways.

As the Chagigah writes on the Tumtum (טוּמְטוּם), it is most certianly an aspect of non-binary system in the Talmud.